So, this Saturday we are given the task of coming forward, wait upside down candles..yes, upside down, shave the bottom off, and expose the wick. Tricky Merlin has asked to join us in our casts and help to rid ourselves of the passive, and neg. thoughts we stack up in regard to our careers and personal success.
For those of us that know, and we do, how to sit quiet, or dance, or whatever suits our fancy, do this...then, after that candle has burned for some time, snuff it out.
Next, ask our dear Celtic (kell tic) for those who question the pron. Goddess Bridget, she prefers us to call her Brid (breed) grab your orange or yellow candle, put the candle to work with the rune B on it for her name,
and focus on what you desire for your success in business..This Full Moon is for ourselves, leave your Lovva, yes I said Lovva, out for a change...When you feel complete, snuff this candle as well, and put yourself in yellow or orange Bubble, and Know you have created a New Energy of Success for yourself..