The Goddess Is Alive And Magick Is Afoot

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


This is my very favorite time of year..I get to watch those teenie tiny little people come out of hiding. I will wait in the bushes and make my self super flat so they cannot see my green eyes peering out between the leaves. They may fly or flutter, and I will imagine my paws swiping the air and hopefully capturing one of them just for a moment to get some of that fairy magick on myself. I hope that I will see those little horses, white and bridled with maidenhair and flax prance with those golden hoofs clip-clopping across the empty fields, with tinkling bells announcing them. I know I must be quick, for that midnight hour passes fast. The Fairy Queen will be in her glory, with her musicians riding behind her singing and playing their flutes and lyres. Look carefully, or you will miss that magical moment...Ciao...Meow..

Friday, April 1, 2011


Sometimes I will share some great kitty secrets. Here's one for you...One day, there was a big giant black cat from another land that wanted to come into my territory. Nice kitty. Well, maybe not too nice. I found a very good kitty spray that will keep the bad kitties away. I sprayed it around and soon I was all better. The black kitty went away. I do not know where, and as the strega that I am, I frankly didn't care. I could streettcchh out and totally relax. Ahhh, yes, I now can sit in the sun and lounge; my most favorite thing.



So we know how we love these turned around days. So how do we get around this one for the next three weeks. Well, we can use the Aries energy which would be like lighting my tail on fire. Run fast...ok, do what you normally wouldn't do. What do I mean by this. Instead of tuna, one of my favorites, give me something you would feed that other four footed animal. Stand up for yourself when you would prefer to "let it go". You know, act like me, don't care. Change everything from the top down. Expect to get what you want. Some rules for the Retrograde...remember, do not buy anything big, like a house, or a car, or get a new job. Have lots of cat skills, like patience.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So, this Saturday we are given the task of coming forward, wait upside down candles..yes, upside down, shave the bottom off, and expose the wick. Tricky Merlin has asked to join us in our casts and help to rid ourselves of the passive, and neg. thoughts we stack up in regard to our careers and personal success.


For those of us that know, and we do, how to sit quiet, or dance, or whatever suits our fancy, do this...then, after that candle has burned for some time, snuff it out.


Next, ask our dear Celtic (kell tic) for those who question the pron. Goddess Bridget, she prefers us to call her Brid (breed) grab your orange or yellow candle, put the candle to work with the rune B on it for her name,


and focus on what you desire for your success in business..This Full Moon is for ourselves, leave your Lovva, yes I said Lovva, out for a change...When you feel complete, snuff this candle as well, and put yourself in yellow or orange Bubble, and Know you have created a New Energy of Success for yourself..
