The Goddess Is Alive And Magick Is Afoot

About Jade

I am a medium/psychic. Many of my gifts are from my birth.
I have extensive training in Certified Quantum NLP, Master Healer Reiki to heal your mind, body & spirit in energy healings.
I also help animals in this modality.
I am a trained Shamaness & help with your Animal Totems.
I am a Native American Pipe Carrier, which is a Healer in this Tradition.
I do Mediumship with Loved ones that have passed over, & offer Pet Readings.
I give Archangel & your personal Guides messages.
I do House Blessings & Clearings, along with Past Life Regressions & Re-imprintings.
Your Guides & Angels will guide me to help you with the personalized healing you or your loved ones need.