The Goddess Is Alive And Magick Is Afoot

Friday, November 30, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 3

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


So how are you doing with telling yourself how much you love all the wonderful things about yourself?  Are you having fun when you do this. Laugh when you get stuck for a moment attempting to come up with something.
Keep it up, especially in the morning.

Now for ...
Day #3

When we were little, every little thing was magical. Well, mostly everything.  Even if life wasn't truly perfect, we didn't know it.  We would sing, mostly off key.  We danced when music came on we loved, and our bodies just moved  without thought of whether we had a lot of  confidence or not. We Simply were an expression of pure joy. 

Today, BE the little person that sings out loud,  dances with abandon.  How?
Let your body lead. This is the key. As you're smiling, you'll walk with a lighter step.  You are allowing "expression" with your body and you will get a happy response from the world around you.  At the end of the day, you'll feel uplifted. Lighter.  Happier. 

Thank yourself at the end of the day.

And remember...when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Love Me, 28 Days Of True Love. Day 2

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


With day number one completed hopefully you found lots of great things to tell yourself in the morning in your mirror.  I am doing these right along with you and believe me after about three or four things I was at a loss for words so keep practicing and you'll find yourself finding more and more great things that you love about yourself. 

Most of us have a picture of ourselves As a child somewhere around.  Get it out and put it where you can see it. Near the mirror you are using would be ideal.  If you cannot find a picture then  Imagine yourself as the cute little person that you were and still are.

So now that you have the picture near you, tell that cute little person how much you love her.  This will make it easier for you to make your statements of love to yourself(although its important to look yourself in the eye). 
Have an intention to give out smiles all day long.  Nothing more. Have no expectations.  Children smile all day just because they can. The more you smile the happier you will be.  What a small thing to receive so much.
Enjoy that happy feeling.
Smile...and your heart will sing...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Love Me, 28 days Of True Love. Day 1

I love me, Day 1 


Go to your mirror in the morning and look at yourself directly in the eye.
Simply say out loud to yourself, "I love you (Your name goes here) because...(then fill in that blank)

Example, Jade I love you because you are so passionate about assisting others to be the best that they can be.

Now you may feel silly doing this but how many times have told yourself that you love you and why?

DO IT!!! and you will see wonderful results during this day.

This is a practice you will do every single day for the next 28 days.
It will take you approximately 30 seconds. Very easy!

I love you for doing this

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I Love Me, 28 days of True Love

I love me 


 I love me, 28 days of true love. 

Were going to fall in love with ourselves again just like we did when we were new born.
I will be giving you something very simple every day for the next 28 days that you can apply in your life.
I want to give to you what I have learned over the past year.

Come back and see me tomorrow for the start of  I love me, 28 days of true love. 

Have fun, Enjoy and Happy Holidays

November 28th Full Moon/Eclipse

Full Moon/Eclipse


The retrograde has just ended and its just giving us a final push to let go of all our old stories, tiny little lies and maybe sometimes the bigger tail of woe that we've told ourselves and that we play out consistently in our lives.

Some of those lies have been like pin pricks, or slivers that have been hard to remove.
We occasionally live in the bigger lies of denial.
Denying meaning and denying ourselves of what we truly want to do, be or have to be truly happy.

For this full moon/eclipse, take 3 to 5 minutes, Go outside (If its cold bundle up) Look up and imagine Grandmother Moon's energy flowing down through the crown of your head and all the way through your body.
Continue to look up allowing that energy to flow through you.

Stay as long as you feel that calming energy move through every cell of your body.
When you feel complete and totally relaxed, know that you are preparing yourself as the caterpillar prepares in a chrysalis.

In the next segment of time moving towards the new year, spend it in quiet reverence for the gifts that you have within yourself.

Everyday for the next 28 days, I will give you a tiny diamond to place inside of your heart so by the time the new year comes you will see with clarity just how great you are.

You will see it, you will feel it and you will know it.