Tonight is the Super Moon. Its the biggest moon of the year. Venus and the Muses are asking us to make use of this giant orb tonight. Its a perfect night so you can wish for your relationships to go well Make it easy. First level people just stand outside and make a big wish under that BIG moon. 2nd level people grab a candle, pink, and any color that would go along with careers, poetry, writing and anything that would amuse you. Lite the candle and focus on what you want and remember when your done to snuff it out and never blow it out. 3rd level people get in your circle have your candles and be prepared for anything and everything. (You may not sleep tonight and if that's the case keep wishing.) Be open and remember from the new moon to let go of anything, like our personal fears, and just TRUST yourself.
This is a wonderful day because we are SSSUUUPPPEEERRR witches that just have 3 different types of shoes. We have our lace ups witch shoes, Our ballet slipper witch shoes and our Big Girl Witch shoes. Inside of each woman is a little witch.
You know me Stregapandora I am always watching over you so if you hear a little aMUSEment you know who is near you.
Chow and Meow.
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