The Goddess Is Alive And Magick Is Afoot

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Aries Full Moon


It is to some people too intense of a Full moon for them to do anything but pull the covers over their heads, however, for Those of us who dare use the intense "fiery" moon will surely create a "fire torch" bringing to us what we desire!  Hehehe

So for those of you who are more cautious, get a white candle yourself, use this energy to write wishes in regard to yourself. Playful wishes for Aries is a playful sign being at the beginning of the astrological chart.

For those of us that feel that we would desire more this is the second thing to do... Get three candles. One White to Represent Goddess Venus. (Be sure to inscribe her name with a stickpin which works quite well.)

Get a red one more person you want too draw to you with passion.  And then the third pink candle for yourself inscribe each candle to read the name of the person that you have in your life now or the person that you desire in your life.  Inscribe your name on this pink candle.

It would be best if you could get a bigger candle to represent Venus.  Her candle will be at the top  and other candles will be next to one another.  You can definitely get creative as you want loading the candles.  You can roll them toward you and Honey then put glitter you can add a little bit of cinnamon as well. ( If you put cinnamon on them make sure that you clean your hands so it does get in your eyes).

Place them to next each other as I staid for and Venus is at the top.

Now get ready and light your candles, Venus' first.  Just sit with that one and imagine that she is with you and your talking to her about what you desire.  Now light the other two.  you know what yo do next.  

Start focusing  on what you want. It's nice to have a list because it does make it easier.  think about it!!!imagine it!  And... keep focusing on those flames.  The hotter it feels the more energy you have created.  When you're ready and feel complete, Let the candles burn this may take a while however such created so much energy you should be able to see them melt away.  Everything should be nicely puddled together only Venus' candle which was bigger should remain. Snuff the little ones out first and then Hers.

Light her candle each day until it is melted down as well her energy will become a part of you.  Her  energy and passion and love for life  will grow each day.  watch how people respond to to you and you will be  amazed.

Enjoy the Fire!!!

Just a footnote:  Every time we create a "wishing" candle,  I will  tell you to snuff the candles. Because its  very, very important not to blow them out..

Ciao!! Meow!!!
Strega Pandora

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