The Goddess Is Alive And Magick Is Afoot

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Fairy Tale by Stregapandora


Today is the spring equinox and aren’t we lucky to have such a nice sunny day to celebrate. Why yes we are, seeming as it is a month early, however if you look around the crocus are starting to poking their little heads up out of the ground.
Now, you might be feeling a little bit of cabin fever; of course it started out over the weekend with a nice push from the leprechauns’. So everyone asks what do you do for the equinoxes? Let us integrate our fairies. Are they easy to find? Typically? NO. That doesn’t mean you can’t go on a hunt for them. Between today and tomorrow is a good time for a celebration. (You know, we don’t have to do everything all within a few hours)

You can start out today with lovely meal for yourself and maybe your friends as well. It’s all about celebrating the earth's rebirth and maybe you can even save some of that yummy food (hopefully it would be bits of cookies maybe a little wine and don’t forget to grab the glitter) and make those your offerings. Now, where do you put these things your offering? Go outside and look for the big old trees with big old knots. Those are going to be the big old boys or the good old girls and if you see the knotted ones, around there is where the fairies will live.

Remember though, It’s only at midsummer when you will have an absolutely magical time being able to see the Fairies.

Someone asked me today if there is a difference between pixies and fairies. Well, the pixies will do hard work for us and fairies simply love to play. If you choose to invite them into your space ask them for what you need and barter only one thing for another, meaning oats for barley. If you leave them little clothes they will take them and run away for now you’ve paid them in kind.
Paint your face with glitter all over and this will make you feel magical too.


If you want to make magical food stir in magical intents.
I have a great recipe using the best new greens of the spring.

Bountiful Garden Salad with Raspberry Vinagarette
6 cups spinach, torn
1 lb romaine lettuce, torn
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
½ cucumber chopped
1 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
½ orange, peeled and sectioned
¾ cup blackberries, raspberries and/or blueberries
¼ cup strawberries, hulled and sliced
¼ cup chopped walnuts or pecans, toasted
Garnish: croutons

Place all of the ingredients except croutons into a large salad bowl and toss to mix. Drizzle with Raspberry Dressing; garnish with croutons. Serves 6-8

Raspberry Dressing
¾ cup to 1 cup raspberries, crushed
1 cup oil
¼ cup raspberry vinegar
1 TB sugar
2 TB lemon juice
Salt & pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste

Enjoy and Blessed be

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