The Goddess Is Alive And Magick Is Afoot

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Hole Lotta Let Go


Today Mercury goes' direct. Did you notice that your day might of still been "Over the Top". That is because there is always a storm that always follows mercury retrograde for about a week.

However, we have full moon coming Friday. 1:15 PM MST. Its always good if we can set our best intentions at midnight. we are still in the "rabbit hole". The Storm is like the pack of cards that flew into Alice's head and hit her square in the middle of her head.


Sound familiar? There may be one more pattern that we can rid ourselves of, so grab a candle quick. Dark purple would be great! Rub your hands in good old virgin olive oil, anoint it with a down stroke one, two, three, set it on a plate and light it. It would be best if you could write everything down that you "lovingly" hate about yourself so you can focus on that with your candle saying to yourself...this is enough, out done done done!!!!!!!

The patterns to look at are old narcissistic patterns that have crept up. Do you want to rid yourself of that little 3yr old narcissist? Well you can rid yourself of yours and I can rid myself of mine. how deep do you want to go, some holes are bigger than others.... talk to your favorite deity and be strong enough to let out all those little shadows. and before the rabbit can say I'm late I'm late for a very important'll be out of the hole.

I hope you give yourself a break and allow yourself to kick and yell and throw a tantrum even for a minute because that powers that be will remove all of that from you. well, once your done snuff the candle out (never blow it out) and go get some of those Peeps that you have hidden somewhere in your house and of course pet your cat. she just added another life for you. Mew Mew..

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