The Goddess Is Alive And Magick Is Afoot

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 11

I love me, 28 days of true love.
Thank You


Say thank you to everything in your life today.

Pretty easy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

When I have done this, it automatically "amps" up my energy. This attracts good things to me. Like you guys. And this is a good thing.

Remember to tell yourself how great you are, say, Thank you for being so ..... Fill in the blank.

Smile when you say that pard'ner. A little of Toy Story to finish this piece.

Thanks so much for coming today. And yes, I'm smiling.

Monday, December 10, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 10

I love me, 28 days of true love.


During this time of year many people find themselves torn between spending like there's no tomorrow or hiding out from every place that may entice them to buy one more gift.  How many of us wish we could work extra to make that extra money so we can "get" that present we really want to give.  Stressful, yes.. Just writing this seems draining.
Now the fun...

Today, pretend its Christmas. 

You already gave the gift. Think about how much joy you felt when you gave it.  Picture it in your mind. Hear how happy that person that you love sounds.  The perfect day.  Live it now.

Little children have no concept of time. They love their gift because they have been seeing it, feeling it, and hearing themselves telling everyone how great it is.

Think of you own life, I bet you can remember a time when that one special gift was "the Best".

Keep these feelings and see what miracles will happen today.

And remember, smile, smile, smile...

Friday, December 7, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 9

I love me, 28 days of true love.


It was a fun day being "open" to random acts of kindness.  Compliments, tipping extra, helping a mom at the store, anything that could be found.  Please post comments if you'd like. I love them.


Day 9.  Gratitude at work.

Today have a grateful day at work. 

As you know, what you give out to the world in any area of your life, you get back exactly what you give. So, if you give gratitude for your work, you'll get that gratitude back at 'cha. 

Already, you started out your day telling yourself how great you are, include how fantastic you are at work, how much everyone loves you. Voila, you will have a stupendous day.

Add all of the little "ingredients" of our days, then who knows what miracle may occur.  Your heart will be happy, your mind, and that beautiful Little child inside will be overjoyed.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 8

I love me, 28 days of true love. 
Random Acts of Kindness


How did your picture taking go? Did you get around to taking any pictures  today?  Did you take a picture of yourself making funny faces, a picture of one of your cute pets, how about your big toe...something?!?

I took pictures.  Yes, im doung all of this right along with you.  One of my  pictures was of my odometer on empty.  I was already laughing before I sent it to my son and text, " look at me I am on fumes!!" I was thinking how hilarious this moment would be for the two of us because we both love Seinfeld.  He knew exactly what I meant, and text me back "Go Kramer Go!!"  (If any of you know about that episode that's where Kramer has the brilliant idea to see how far he can drive on empty.)  We both had a really good laugh...and, that is the point of today. Being completely in the moment.  I hope you posted or saved your pictures.

Day 8

Today is a good day to perform, share, or do "random acts of kindness".  It's the perfect season to be aware of helping another person you know or someone you feel inspired to help.

After you have done your morning ritual of "I love you are such a kind person you'll be great at this, (that's just an example).  Make a statement to yourself that you will be "open" to seeing what you can do to be aware of a spontaneous act of kindness.  Perhaps you'll feel like you need to make a short call to someone to say "hi".  (That is in one of our days.)  You can simply text people and say I hope you have a good day today "IF" that's what you're inspired to do.  Maybe it's holding a door open for someone with a smile. (Another one of our practices). Little acts of kindness will give that Little child inside hippety-hoppity  joy.  There is not a need for approval.  It's simple joy.

What came to mind is this, don't  you love it when little children lick their sucker and then stretch their arm out in your direction with that happy gleam in their eye and ask you to have a taste too. They want you to share in the sweetness of life and that's what you get to do today.  As a random act of kindness to yourself, you might want to get your own sucker. 
I'll get chocolate.  Yum!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 7

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


So how did you enjoy your day of doing nothing or doing whatever you want to do because you could do nothing. The truth of the matter is is that I got in my head for a little bit As I was hoping that I was reaching people in other countries and it turns out that one of my friends said,  you're probably getting spammed.  I said no I don't think so and she looked at me with raised eyebrows and said yes you probably are getting spammed.  It was like telling me that I'm not getting the doll that I thought I was getting at Christmas. 

That has happened to me, has that happened to you? 

My feeling went rather droopy and I pouted so I decided I was going to do nothing... Which did me good because now I am up and running again.  I have to confess I wrote a poem for myself instead of a Love letter.  My poems are always rather dark so I don't know how much love there was And yet I always feel so creative because the words just come out of me.  I'm counting it!!!

Day 7

Today is going to consist of taking pictures. whether it's with your iPhone, any smartphone, a camera, take pictures!! 

What do little kids love to do? 
Take pictures!!  And they're very good at it. Take pictures of whatever you like.  Post them, scrapbook them, keep them on your phone to laugh at later.  Make sure that you take pictures of yourself and with your friends too. We all do it at special places and all kinds of events, however, children just click away.  They click at you taking their picture which sends them into voracious laughter.  Great big he he he's, and ha ha ha's come up from their little bellies.
Taking pictures is about being  "in the moment", totally present.  Take pictures of your pets, wildlife, and you'll have this little moment, of this day, to look back on knowing that you were completely present with that inner child.  It will put what we love the most, that big cheesy grin on your face.

Keeping smiling.
Tell yourself how fantastic you are in the mirror.
Read your love letter.
Do nothing because you can.
Let someone you love know you're thinking of them.

Enjoy your pictures.

Monday, December 3, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 6

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


So how did you do with the "love letters". 

I know it may have been hard to do, and maybe you didn't want to do it  and maybe you didn't do it.  I'm looking at it this way, perhaps you would be honoring yourself. That's probably a surprising answer.  Think about this, if we are little children and that  what child truly wants to follow all the rules. I would expect that most children would say " do I have to".  The most important thing out of everything we are doing is to keep telling yourself in the morning I love you and why.. and do look at that cute little picture of yourself and remember the good things about yourself when you were growing up. Oh yes, laugh..
Adding one little thing truly will be fun.  Especially when you're having "one of those days". 

Day #6
Today here's your assignment. Do nothing.. I don't mean don't go to work or sit around being lazy unless you can and want to... I mean do nothing so that spontaneity can come to you.  It's a guarantee that because there's not even a little bit of an agenda you can smile on a whim you can laugh on a whim you can turn things around your day should be full of happiness..

This  the art of being in the present moment..enjoy.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 5

I love me, 28 days of true love. 



I think that maybe there wasn't complete clarity about the writing texting or calling those 6 people. I was intending that you would contact friends, family, perhaps acquaintances.

I got questions today of Would it be okay to call a previous boyfriend or a previous girlfriend and that's when I realized maybe I should've made that a little more clear...anyway, if you were able to complete Day 4 that  I hope you had a good experience.

I tweeted today that I went to the gym this morning and smiled at people and I advised maybe that is not such a great idea overall people are so hard at work they were looking at me like what is wrong with her I got a good laugh with that... However I kept it up in different places that I went and I would say that overall I got smiles back And even people said hi aloud that I didn't even know... I'll probably say plenty of times during this 28 days just have fun with this overall it's not about being overly serious are getting it right it's really about finding joy inside of us and knowing that we have it inside of us to get everything that we do need.


This is a little assignment and it will be easy.
Write a love letter to yourself yes I know that you've probably heard about this before.  I have done this in the past and I've also shared this with many, many clients and it works.  Who better to write something we truly want to hear than ourselves.  If you want to get a card and write a love letter to yourself do it.  Place it by your bedside and read it every night before you go to sleep. It's very magical.

Keep doing #1, #2, and #3, every day as we're adding each little item because we're building a beautiful you inside.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 4

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


Just so all of you know, I am doing these little "treats" too.  I found myself singing and dancing today. I did let my body lead. Now that doesn't mean I'm dancing with the stars, no, however, someone wanted to know what I was so happy about. That made me smile.
And, my day did go well.  How did you do?  I've gotten responses that they are having success and yet, something may come up in the day.  If that happens, think in your mind about how great you are and why.
It does help.

So...on to...
Day #4

Today pick 6 of your friends, family, or people you have thought about saying "Hi" to and DO call them or at least one of the six.  DO write an email saying hello, or at the very least text them.  Just a spontaneous note.  Not a book.  Little Children keep it short and to the point.  So can we.  Allow your heart to lead this time. Like your body lead

Be happy...

Happy Day!!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 3

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


So how are you doing with telling yourself how much you love all the wonderful things about yourself?  Are you having fun when you do this. Laugh when you get stuck for a moment attempting to come up with something.
Keep it up, especially in the morning.

Now for ...
Day #3

When we were little, every little thing was magical. Well, mostly everything.  Even if life wasn't truly perfect, we didn't know it.  We would sing, mostly off key.  We danced when music came on we loved, and our bodies just moved  without thought of whether we had a lot of  confidence or not. We Simply were an expression of pure joy. 

Today, BE the little person that sings out loud,  dances with abandon.  How?
Let your body lead. This is the key. As you're smiling, you'll walk with a lighter step.  You are allowing "expression" with your body and you will get a happy response from the world around you.  At the end of the day, you'll feel uplifted. Lighter.  Happier. 

Thank yourself at the end of the day.

And remember...when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Love Me, 28 Days Of True Love. Day 2

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


With day number one completed hopefully you found lots of great things to tell yourself in the morning in your mirror.  I am doing these right along with you and believe me after about three or four things I was at a loss for words so keep practicing and you'll find yourself finding more and more great things that you love about yourself. 

Most of us have a picture of ourselves As a child somewhere around.  Get it out and put it where you can see it. Near the mirror you are using would be ideal.  If you cannot find a picture then  Imagine yourself as the cute little person that you were and still are.

So now that you have the picture near you, tell that cute little person how much you love her.  This will make it easier for you to make your statements of love to yourself(although its important to look yourself in the eye). 
Have an intention to give out smiles all day long.  Nothing more. Have no expectations.  Children smile all day just because they can. The more you smile the happier you will be.  What a small thing to receive so much.
Enjoy that happy feeling.
Smile...and your heart will sing...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Love Me, 28 days Of True Love. Day 1

I love me, Day 1 


Go to your mirror in the morning and look at yourself directly in the eye.
Simply say out loud to yourself, "I love you (Your name goes here) because...(then fill in that blank)

Example, Jade I love you because you are so passionate about assisting others to be the best that they can be.

Now you may feel silly doing this but how many times have told yourself that you love you and why?

DO IT!!! and you will see wonderful results during this day.

This is a practice you will do every single day for the next 28 days.
It will take you approximately 30 seconds. Very easy!

I love you for doing this

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I Love Me, 28 days of True Love

I love me 


 I love me, 28 days of true love. 

Were going to fall in love with ourselves again just like we did when we were new born.
I will be giving you something very simple every day for the next 28 days that you can apply in your life.
I want to give to you what I have learned over the past year.

Come back and see me tomorrow for the start of  I love me, 28 days of true love. 

Have fun, Enjoy and Happy Holidays

November 28th Full Moon/Eclipse

Full Moon/Eclipse


The retrograde has just ended and its just giving us a final push to let go of all our old stories, tiny little lies and maybe sometimes the bigger tail of woe that we've told ourselves and that we play out consistently in our lives.

Some of those lies have been like pin pricks, or slivers that have been hard to remove.
We occasionally live in the bigger lies of denial.
Denying meaning and denying ourselves of what we truly want to do, be or have to be truly happy.

For this full moon/eclipse, take 3 to 5 minutes, Go outside (If its cold bundle up) Look up and imagine Grandmother Moon's energy flowing down through the crown of your head and all the way through your body.
Continue to look up allowing that energy to flow through you.

Stay as long as you feel that calming energy move through every cell of your body.
When you feel complete and totally relaxed, know that you are preparing yourself as the caterpillar prepares in a chrysalis.

In the next segment of time moving towards the new year, spend it in quiet reverence for the gifts that you have within yourself.

Everyday for the next 28 days, I will give you a tiny diamond to place inside of your heart so by the time the new year comes you will see with clarity just how great you are.

You will see it, you will feel it and you will know it.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Full Moon Halloween Celebration


Boo boo boo

How wickedly to have a full moon right before Halloween!!!

Our celebration this evening should be focused on us.. For everyone knows the good witch focuses on yourself first and then is able to do what she desires to do after..If you can run to your nearest liquor store and get a bottle of Chauncer's mead wine, please do it.  It is a honey wine and is used at this time of year for All Hallows Eve celebration.  Make sure that you follow the directions for there are spices that are added to it you heat it...Yum Yum!!

If you can take your magical bath get in something nice. Have a new candle a white one for you and and a strong intention of self-love as you hold it place it on the plate for your alter.  Put glitter around it and light it.  invite our beloved goddesses and also your ancestors to be with you.

Thank them for all of the gifts and talents you have in your life and tell them what you desire be specific and know that with just the teeniest of the Veil Over the earth you will feel their loving presence.

When you feel complete let the candle burn and bask in all of the goodness that is surrounding you.  Snuff your candle and then tomorrow evening on All hallows eve, have  a either purple to represent your third  eye and increase your intuition or a red candle for love.

Once again, Do as you did on Full moon.

Get your wine ready if you have it, and also tonight you must make a small plate of food for your ancestors.  Have a small glass of wine or juice for them too. Put it on your alter.  Take your magical bath prepare as you did on Full Moon. Light your white candle for yourself invite your goddesses, angels  and ancestors again.

Express your thanks.

Now light the candle that you have chosen asking for wishes to come true.

If you're really brave do it at midnight like all of the other people that are wishing for what they desire think of the group synergy And all of the magical wishes that are floating around in the universe you will surely get yours answered.

Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Moon In Scorpio


New Moon in Scorpio would make a person think, AHHH. Magic is afoot.
However, what our Goddess' would like for us to focus on is our dear Archangel, St Michael.

Scorpio is, as we well know, our deepest, darkest, shadowy "self".  So focusing on Archangel Michael will help us to bring to "light" the truth that we may hide even in ourselves.

Facing the "truth" is very difficult for some of us because to look deep, deeper, and even into the deepest corners of our patterns takes a fine tooth comb.  So, instead, lets just get a nice big hairbrush. Yes, I must lighten up a little, for goodness sake. 

Archangel Michael will help us to:
1.  Say our truth.
2.  Hear our truth.
3.  Speak our truth.

Yes, just like those three little monkeys, who, more than likely represent our monkey minds, or ego.

Now speaking our truth creates a great deal of freedom for us.  Make sure it isn't offensive.  I have been taught, if "it" feels good (inside) "its" the truth, if "it" doesn't "its" a lie.  We all have good intuition, do we use it?

Yes, and No.
So, ask Archangel Michael to assist you to KNOW the truth, and with practice you will KNOW.

This New Moon will assist you to FREE yourself from your past stories.  Ask Archangel Michael to be with you every day. Simply state, "Michael, be with me, help me know the truth, be my mouthpiece, that I may speak the truth, and protect me at every moment that my life will be full of love and truth.

Love and Truth are the same.
They simply Are.

Now for the magic.
Get a Blue candle.  A Pillar candle would be best.  Again, jar candles are not preferable.  You may also be able to find a Novena with ST MICHAEL on the jar.  You can use that as well.  When you get the candle, use a pushpin to "scry" or write MICHAEL  on the side.  Place it on a plate, and light the candle.

Focus on Michael.  State to him your desire to be protected, and with his Divine Timing, and to open the way for you on your True Path, or your True North.  He will give you signs, and DO ask for them.  There is nothing Michael won't do for you If it is to your Highest Good.  A tip:  Angels don't really like begging.  He is a general you know.  State your desire.  Tell him.  "Make it happen, Michael. Open the way."  He will do it.  Finally, when you feel complete, snuff the candle. Remember, never blow it out.

You can light Michael's candle anytime.  You can have it out in your living area so you can light it, and just leave it burning for awhile.

You are creating that "bond" even when you aren't totally focusing intensely on it.

So, today's New Moon is a mini class to connect with Archangel Michael.
Scorpio can be "flipped" to work to our highest, and honoring our "dark" nature will bring us into a greater "light".

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Aries Full Moon


It is to some people too intense of a Full moon for them to do anything but pull the covers over their heads, however, for Those of us who dare use the intense "fiery" moon will surely create a "fire torch" bringing to us what we desire!  Hehehe

So for those of you who are more cautious, get a white candle yourself, use this energy to write wishes in regard to yourself. Playful wishes for Aries is a playful sign being at the beginning of the astrological chart.

For those of us that feel that we would desire more this is the second thing to do... Get three candles. One White to Represent Goddess Venus. (Be sure to inscribe her name with a stickpin which works quite well.)

Get a red one more person you want too draw to you with passion.  And then the third pink candle for yourself inscribe each candle to read the name of the person that you have in your life now or the person that you desire in your life.  Inscribe your name on this pink candle.

It would be best if you could get a bigger candle to represent Venus.  Her candle will be at the top  and other candles will be next to one another.  You can definitely get creative as you want loading the candles.  You can roll them toward you and Honey then put glitter you can add a little bit of cinnamon as well. ( If you put cinnamon on them make sure that you clean your hands so it does get in your eyes).

Place them to next each other as I staid for and Venus is at the top.

Now get ready and light your candles, Venus' first.  Just sit with that one and imagine that she is with you and your talking to her about what you desire.  Now light the other two.  you know what yo do next.  

Start focusing  on what you want. It's nice to have a list because it does make it easier.  think about it!!!imagine it!  And... keep focusing on those flames.  The hotter it feels the more energy you have created.  When you're ready and feel complete, Let the candles burn this may take a while however such created so much energy you should be able to see them melt away.  Everything should be nicely puddled together only Venus' candle which was bigger should remain. Snuff the little ones out first and then Hers.

Light her candle each day until it is melted down as well her energy will become a part of you.  Her  energy and passion and love for life  will grow each day.  watch how people respond to to you and you will be  amazed.

Enjoy the Fire!!!

Just a footnote:  Every time we create a "wishing" candle,  I will  tell you to snuff the candles. Because its  very, very important not to blow them out..

Ciao!! Meow!!!
Strega Pandora

Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Moon May 20th


 This new moon is about the kind of relationships we have with ourselves and that which is reflected within our environment

We all know about "Clear the clutter" at this point, however look around you and I'll bet you have one or two corners that you really wish you would just clear.

What you're going to want to do, Take at least a week from this new moon to a larger waxing moon to move things out of your life. That is you can create more space to have the kind of relationship you want with yourself.

Typically we are looking for that closeness outside of ourselves so we avoid clearing whats right there in front of us.

I'm going to give you a couple of little things that can help. You can have more sense of peace if you do these simple things and in the next few weeks you'll see your outside world reflecting what you've done to take care of yourself.

I'm not telling you to get a big green garbage and start dumping things, this is simply about going through those old winter clothes or getting rid of those pants that sat there all winter that you never wore. Just give them away.

Its about clearing the space around your front and back door and once you've done that, here is the nurturing piece, When you come through your door, remove your shoes, even this small act is showing your house that you are honoring your space and helping you to feel grounded.

Don't go through your mail yet or jump on the computer to check your emails. Give yourself 30 minutes to simply unwind from the day.

Turn on some music that you love, take a walk in your own yard, check on your flowers and just sit on your balcony or front porch, Anything that gives you that simple pleasures and that will help you relax for 30 minutes.

If your super adventuresome you could even give yourself a relaxing foot bath by placing a nice pan of warm water and just soak your feet, That's for you that really take me serious. That is 1000% self nurturing, Yes I said 1000%. A pan of warm water, 1/2 cup of Epsom salts and some nice smelling bubble bath that smells good to you, Relax for 30 minutes, Lotion your feet with your favorite lotion or oil and put some nice soft socks on and and your good to go.

The obvious thing would be to wait till the end of the evening, but by then your day is gone , do it right away and you'll be surprised at the results of the care that you have given yourself. This is just a small practice of honoring your body , as it held you up through the whole day. I'm doing it, I'm not just talking about it.

In retrospective there was a time where people "freshened up" before they sat down to dinner, and now in our day and age we shovel things in our mouth so fast we wonder what just went in . We are always in such a hurry. Simply slow down and give yourself that 30 minutes to feel refreshed.

Now here is another little item. You know how we have all rushed home from work and our first thoughts were to get in our jammies or sloppy comfy clothes, Which in itself is not a bad idea, I do it. try this instead. How bout having some sort of nice relaxing comfort wear possible some nice lounge pants or even a kimono, something that is simply not your sleep wear that your just gonna trot off to bed in. You'll actually feel better.

Prepare yourself a nice healthy meal. If there's plenty of daylight after dinner, which there will be give yourself a few minutes and take a walk. Now, How are you gonna do this in your Kimono, Put it in perspective, Obviously you will have dressed the part before hand.

You will find that if you do take a walk, that your food you have just eaten will have a moment to digest, and you wont go to bed with that little pooch you get after you eat and bonus, It will remove any cravings you may get in about 3 hours afterward.

This is what the Goddess have instructed me to share with you this new moon and that you are actually creating a new environment of self worth, Remember just incorporation of just one of these things in your life for about 2 weeks will help change your life for you as you are creating a new habit.

Now for those who want to add a little extra in for this new moon, this is a good time to light a white, pink and green candle. Put those together with the intention of creating wealth within your self worth.

Green is for Money growth, Pink is for love and the White is to represent us. Just get votive's or chime candles  and light the 3 of them together on a plate so the candle drippings can puddle together and intend for yourself 10 simple things for this month. They should be simple things so you can easily see what you have intend and that what you wish for will happen and remember when your done and that when you feel complete, Ask your own personal deities and Angels to help you, You can ask Venus, Bridget, Kwan Yen along with the Angels Ariel, for your environment, Iophiel, the Angel over beauty,  Metetron,  for organization if you need that, Raphael for healing and Michael for focus and of course don't forget your dear ancestors as well.

Remember to write your wishes down so you can see what you desire and you can speak it out loud. Close your eyes and envision your wishes and see it all ready done. When you feel complete remember to snuff the candles, never to blow them out. If you don't have a snuffer just pinch them out quickly or take a small glass and turn it over on the candles and that will snuff them out nicely.

Light them again for consecutive evenings until the candles are burned down, repeat the same steps as above then leave the wax on the plate for 28 days and your wishes will come true.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

More A"MUSE"ment News


Tonight is the Super Moon. Its the biggest moon of the year. Venus and the Muses are asking us to make use of this giant orb tonight. Its a perfect night so you can wish for your relationships to go well Make it easy. First level people just stand outside and make a big wish under that BIG moon. 2nd level people grab a candle, pink, and any color that would go along with careers, poetry, writing and anything that would amuse you. Lite the candle and focus on what you want and remember when your done to snuff it out and never blow it out. 3rd level people get in your circle have your candles and be prepared for anything and everything. (You may not sleep tonight and if that's the case keep wishing.) Be open and remember from the new moon to let go of anything, like our personal fears, and just TRUST yourself.

This is a wonderful day because we are SSSUUUPPPEEERRR witches that just have 3 different types of shoes. We have our lace ups witch shoes, Our ballet slipper witch shoes and our Big Girl Witch shoes. Inside of each woman is a little witch.


You know me Stregapandora I am always watching over you so if you hear a little aMUSEment you know who is near you. 

Chow and Meow.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

Happy May Day.

This is the first day to officially recognize spring and know that everything is starting to move toward the summer.

Time to use that fun Fairy energy playfully glittery day to bring out your inner Fairy.

It use to be that people would bring out the Maypole and dance and sing. Well, Were not propping up Maypoles everywhere, Just simply bring out your joyful playful side and look to nature for signs and wonders when you see the trees sway.

Paint your face with glitter and strap on your wings.

Make a Fairy wish and see what they bring.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

To Trust Or Not To Trust

The New Moon in Taurus


Lets talk a little about V/C or Void of Course

I have had clients ask me from time to time what does that term mean. Void of Course. I Will always do my best to answer the questions I receive from clients in the easiest way to understand and in a way that anyone can learn.

So, Void of Course...In layman's terms it just means the moon is taking a little nap. When she wakes up she will be in at full power but runs her battery down quickly so she has to nap a little more to keep her strength up. When you put your wish or intention out while the moon is void its like talking to someone who is sound asleep. Your intentions will come to nothing.

When you put your intentions out for the new moon it's best to do them when the moon is NOT sleeping or "In The Void"

The moon will be wide awake on Saturday April 21st at 1:18 MST and for those of you who really are intense about making your wishes, you can stay up or wake yourself up at that hour to set out your intentions. Or you can do them like the rest of us and wait until Saturday morning.

Saturday may seem like an odd time because traditionally Saturday is the day used to rid yourself of things unwanted but that is another story for another day and time.

About the time you wake up it will be a good time to focus on 5 wishes. At this time alot of people are at a cross roads. You should pick an area in your life where you feel you are at a crossroads in your life be it money, relationships, career, home health of family...Ect ect.

this intention will be "I trust that this will occur because....." Why? That's going to be your intention, for instance, I trust this relationship will work out because...." then fill in the blank and write down 5 reasons why this will occur then reread them and think for a moment how you know why it will occur.

If you feel any doubt come up then go over that intention and see it completely done, ,that way it will manifest for you.

At each new moon give every intention or wish 28 days to fulfill and you'll be guaranteed to move past that crossroad because your willing to trust yourself for those 28 days concerning that area of your life which also forms good habitats.

Keep your wishes and intentions fairly simple so you can see the magic in your life that you can create for yourself.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Hole Lotta Let Go


Today Mercury goes' direct. Did you notice that your day might of still been "Over the Top". That is because there is always a storm that always follows mercury retrograde for about a week.

However, we have full moon coming Friday. 1:15 PM MST. Its always good if we can set our best intentions at midnight. we are still in the "rabbit hole". The Storm is like the pack of cards that flew into Alice's head and hit her square in the middle of her head.


Sound familiar? There may be one more pattern that we can rid ourselves of, so grab a candle quick. Dark purple would be great! Rub your hands in good old virgin olive oil, anoint it with a down stroke one, two, three, set it on a plate and light it. It would be best if you could write everything down that you "lovingly" hate about yourself so you can focus on that with your candle saying to yourself...this is enough, out done done done!!!!!!!

The patterns to look at are old narcissistic patterns that have crept up. Do you want to rid yourself of that little 3yr old narcissist? Well you can rid yourself of yours and I can rid myself of mine. how deep do you want to go, some holes are bigger than others.... talk to your favorite deity and be strong enough to let out all those little shadows. and before the rabbit can say I'm late I'm late for a very important'll be out of the hole.

I hope you give yourself a break and allow yourself to kick and yell and throw a tantrum even for a minute because that powers that be will remove all of that from you. well, once your done snuff the candle out (never blow it out) and go get some of those Peeps that you have hidden somewhere in your house and of course pet your cat. she just added another life for you. Mew Mew..

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New moon in the retrograde


Why would you want to do any magic with everything that’s coming at you right now? It would be like Dorothy wearing her shoes on the opposite feet.

Click click click and everything goes away from you and you defiantly end up in a black and white TV box.

So what can you do? Because today is a bueatmous day to do something.

We can still wish for things. Wish that certain things will go away from you. Example. Such as that old pair of panties that have been hanging around that drawer and those old crusty PJ’s that not even a bag lady would wear.

Now that’s not to say you can’t do a little magick. Sprinkle fairy dust (like we talked about the other day) over your Victoria secret card and see what pops up into that drawer. Now, those of you that have familiars give them a little extra something and they can do your work for you.

On a serious note, traditionally, to do any kind of magick on a dark moon is a no no. This time is best use for meditation and introspection. It’s only when you see that thumbnail hanging in the sky that you can wish big or create your wish list or leave it for next month. Get a candle this time, I don’t care if it’s a jar candle, and put an intention for yourself for your own self esteem and just for fun gift somebody with some little fun candies before Easter comes.

To be perfectly sane is complete insanity. So mind me or not is a question for you to answer. Have fun, blessed be and have a puurrrffeeccttllyy mahvelous new moon

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Fairy Tale by Stregapandora


Today is the spring equinox and aren’t we lucky to have such a nice sunny day to celebrate. Why yes we are, seeming as it is a month early, however if you look around the crocus are starting to poking their little heads up out of the ground.
Now, you might be feeling a little bit of cabin fever; of course it started out over the weekend with a nice push from the leprechauns’. So everyone asks what do you do for the equinoxes? Let us integrate our fairies. Are they easy to find? Typically? NO. That doesn’t mean you can’t go on a hunt for them. Between today and tomorrow is a good time for a celebration. (You know, we don’t have to do everything all within a few hours)

You can start out today with lovely meal for yourself and maybe your friends as well. It’s all about celebrating the earth's rebirth and maybe you can even save some of that yummy food (hopefully it would be bits of cookies maybe a little wine and don’t forget to grab the glitter) and make those your offerings. Now, where do you put these things your offering? Go outside and look for the big old trees with big old knots. Those are going to be the big old boys or the good old girls and if you see the knotted ones, around there is where the fairies will live.

Remember though, It’s only at midsummer when you will have an absolutely magical time being able to see the Fairies.

Someone asked me today if there is a difference between pixies and fairies. Well, the pixies will do hard work for us and fairies simply love to play. If you choose to invite them into your space ask them for what you need and barter only one thing for another, meaning oats for barley. If you leave them little clothes they will take them and run away for now you’ve paid them in kind.
Paint your face with glitter all over and this will make you feel magical too.


If you want to make magical food stir in magical intents.
I have a great recipe using the best new greens of the spring.

Bountiful Garden Salad with Raspberry Vinagarette
6 cups spinach, torn
1 lb romaine lettuce, torn
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
½ cucumber chopped
1 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
½ orange, peeled and sectioned
¾ cup blackberries, raspberries and/or blueberries
¼ cup strawberries, hulled and sliced
¼ cup chopped walnuts or pecans, toasted
Garnish: croutons

Place all of the ingredients except croutons into a large salad bowl and toss to mix. Drizzle with Raspberry Dressing; garnish with croutons. Serves 6-8

Raspberry Dressing
¾ cup to 1 cup raspberries, crushed
1 cup oil
¼ cup raspberry vinegar
1 TB sugar
2 TB lemon juice
Salt & pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste

Enjoy and Blessed be

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Lore of Leprechauns

The Irish didn't always look so kindly on wearing the color green. Irish folklore considered the color unlucky as it was the favorite shade of the Good People, Leprechauns. those who wore too much of the color, especially children could be stolen away, Some cynics may tell you there are no such things as leprechauns, but there are those who beg to differ. True believers will swear that if you take a stroll along a quiet country lane in Ireland, You can actually hear the mischievous leprechauns giggling by the side of the road.

About two centuries ago Molly Cogan of Kilmallock told the famous folklorist Thomas Crofton Crocker about a leprechaun her grandfather had met, and even caught. It happened like this: one night as he went to the to tend his old mare, Grandpa Cogan heard something hammering hammering hammering just for all the world like a shoemaker making a shoe and whistling all the time the prettiest tune he ever heard his whole life before. He guessed what might be making the sound and remembering tales of leprechauns and their gold, he crept in. He looked around but never a bit of the little man could he see anywhere, but he heard him hammering and whistling and so he looked and looked, till at last did he see the little fellow. And where was he, do you think, but in the girth under the mare and there he was with his little bit and apron on him, and a hammer in his hand, and he was so busy with his work, and he was hammering and whistling so loud, the he never minded my grand father till he caught the leprechaun fast in his hand. "Faith i have you know", he says. "And I'll never let you go till I get your purse, That's what I wont. So give it here to me at once now" "Stop Stop! cried the leprechaun. Stop till i get it for you. So my Grandfather like a fool you see opened his hand a bit and the little fellow jumped away laughing, And he never saw him anymore. and never a bit of the purse did he get only the leprechaun left his little shoe that he was making and my grandfather was mad enough angry with himself for letting him go but he had the shoe all his life. and my own mother told me she often saw it and had it in her hand and twas the pretties little shoe she ever saw

A bit of St. Patrick

Born in Wales to wealthy parents at the end of the 4th century, at the tender age of 16, Young Patrick was taken prisoner by a group of Irish raiders and whisked across the Irish Sea, Where he spent the next 6 years in captivity working as a lonely Shepard. His religion was his solace and so he became a devout christian. After 6 years, Patrick heard God's voice telling him it was time to leave Ireland, So he escaped from his captors and made his way back home. Here he had another vision from an angel who told him he should go back to preach Christianity to the Irish. After 14 years studying to be a priest, Patrick returned to Ireland where he built churches and spread the Christian faith for the next 30 years until his death on March 17th, 460 AD

St. Patrick used this simple green herb to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity, The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit and how they could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of Wearing a Shamrock on his feast day