The Goddess Is Alive And Magick Is Afoot

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 4

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


Just so all of you know, I am doing these little "treats" too.  I found myself singing and dancing today. I did let my body lead. Now that doesn't mean I'm dancing with the stars, no, however, someone wanted to know what I was so happy about. That made me smile.
And, my day did go well.  How did you do?  I've gotten responses that they are having success and yet, something may come up in the day.  If that happens, think in your mind about how great you are and why.
It does help.

So...on to...
Day #4

Today pick 6 of your friends, family, or people you have thought about saying "Hi" to and DO call them or at least one of the six.  DO write an email saying hello, or at the very least text them.  Just a spontaneous note.  Not a book.  Little Children keep it short and to the point.  So can we.  Allow your heart to lead this time. Like your body lead

Be happy...

Happy Day!!!

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