The Goddess Is Alive And Magick Is Afoot

Friday, December 7, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 9

I love me, 28 days of true love.


It was a fun day being "open" to random acts of kindness.  Compliments, tipping extra, helping a mom at the store, anything that could be found.  Please post comments if you'd like. I love them.


Day 9.  Gratitude at work.

Today have a grateful day at work. 

As you know, what you give out to the world in any area of your life, you get back exactly what you give. So, if you give gratitude for your work, you'll get that gratitude back at 'cha. 

Already, you started out your day telling yourself how great you are, include how fantastic you are at work, how much everyone loves you. Voila, you will have a stupendous day.

Add all of the little "ingredients" of our days, then who knows what miracle may occur.  Your heart will be happy, your mind, and that beautiful Little child inside will be overjoyed.

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